Monday, June 13, 2005

Three Meter zone of Influence

In his book, The Three Meter Zone-Common Sense Leadership for NCOs, CSM J. D. Pendry talks of the three, fifty and one hundred-meter type of soldier. I would like to look at this from a different approach. Think of the three, fifty and one hundred-meter zones of influence. The person who makes the biggest impact on you is the person in your three-meter zone. Back to our Christian arena that would be the person in the pew next to you or your accountability partner. The fifty-meter zone would be your Sunday School teacher or bible study leader. Finally the one hundred-meter zone would include your pastor, evangelist, etc. I understand some of these lines can be blurred by friendship or other relationships.

The pastor has an impact but it is on a broad scale. He breathes fire and brimstone from the pulpit. He makes you squirm in the pew. At least until you get bored or so convicted you tune him out. Monday morning you canÂ’t remember the title of the sermon.

The bible study leader is somewhat closer to you but still not in your face. You probably only see this person once a week. What they say goes in one ear and out the other.

Your accountability partner or your Christian spouse or friend on the other hand knows you very intimately. They talk to you daily. They cut you no slack when you make a mistake. This person in the three meter zone will influence you the most. Scary huh? Makes me wonder if I blew my witness today. Was anyone watching? Yes, the Lord watches our every move. Talk about pressure to do the right thing.

So what about the new Christian that just moved in next door? Who helps him in the low times?

Each of us has been given a gift. It is up to us to recognize it, build it and use it to GodÂ’s glory and honor. didn'tdnÂ’t mean for this to become a sermon. I recognize my gift of teaching but the point of this blog was supposed to be me thinking aloud. And letting others give input to make me a better Christian and person. So is anyone out there reading this stuff?

1 comment:

John Schroeder said...

So who are those peope for you right now? Maybe you don;t want to blog about them specifically, buut do they know who they are? Particularly the accountability partner.

And what if you are in a place where you cannot get to a pastor -- Who is the big influencer?

Where does the Bible fit into this? And the Holy Spirit?

Just some questions to think about.