Thursday, June 16, 2005

Prayer for a warzone

I am not talking about the soldier’s prayer. Though it is awesome. In fact I think there are several versions of it. Here is an awesome rendition with beautiful pictures.

Soldier’s Prayer very awesome

I get prayer grams from a church I attended in my 20s, First Baptist Church of Cleveland, Texas. It was my parents’ home church for many years. Not too far from the community we grew up in in the piney woods area of southeast Texas. Tarkington Prairie isn’t on many maps. It is only a wide spot in the road, or at least it was when I lived there so many years ago. Where has all the time gone? Life is truly fleeting. But I digress. We were talking about prayer and war zones. I know of others who also pray daily for my soldiers and I. Faithful hometown heroes and warriors in Texas, Oklahoma, California, Virginia and every other state in the Union, plus a few countries. These prayers being done on behalf of all military men and women worldwide are comforting to say the least. I feel I am on the safest FOB in Iraq. Our area is calm compared to Baghdad, Mosul and Fallujah. Names of cities you hear on the news with way too much regularity. I firmly believe it is peaceful here for a few reasons. One the “Automatic” battalion has struck fear in the insurgent’s black little hearts. Two, and most importantly, because of the hedge of protection prayed for our area, men and women. In my head I see angels standing at each tower surrounding the FOB. Big burly strong angels like Frank Peretti has in his tales of spiritual warfare, This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness. Does anyone else miss these books? I wish Frank would write more along these lines. Though I see he is very much involved in writing books for youth. Maybe he would give someone the rights to use his style of writing about spiritual warfare. It opened my eyes to how the angels fight all around us. Opened my eyes to how our prayers strengthen these spiritual fighters. I see puny little sulfur smelling demons trying to sneak in and wreak havoc on our moral and welfare. But the angels stand strong and proud because of your prayer.

So…my thanks to the prayer warriors everywhere. This war is being won by your efforts as well as the efforts of the front line soldiers. Neither can complete the mission without the other. We soldiers in desert camo deeply depend on the prayer and support of you warriors back home.

My daily personal prayer has been:

Dear Lord make my enemy, whether physical or spiritual, weary so he oversleeps today. Take his strength and health so he wont be able to come out and fight. Blur his vision so he can’t see clearly. Weaken him so he can’t handle a weapon properly or accurately. Cloud his mind so he can’t follow orders. Disorient him so he can’t find his way. Lord disrupt the supply lines so the enemy doesn’t get needed supplies. Discourage him so he goes home. Raise up arguments between him and his followers so they become useless. All this I pray in Jesus' name, AMEN.


John Schroeder said...

Great post! I linked to it here

aelfwyne said...

In case you're curious, Tarkington has a flashing yellow light now (at 105 & 321)... where there's a gas station and even a subway! So it's a little more than a wide spot.. not much more yet, but it's growing..

Myself though... I haven't been back much either except to visit my mother.