Tuesday, June 28, 2005

How do you write a book?

Spirits and Soldiers (possible book title?)

I went off to see the elephant but it looks more like a camel

I have no idea how to start this book. With the Lords help and your prayers I will try to do it justice. I think I will take my journal and add the angels fighting into it. Here are some early thoughts. Jumbled I know but it is a start.

I remember reading Louis L’Amor westerns as a kid. I think that is where I first heard the phrase “off to see the elephant” when talking about going to war.

How’s this for a grab ya by the throat start?

Boom!! Black acrid smoke billowing. Zing!! The sound of bullets whizzing from one side of the room to the other. Picture a few guys watching a movie. Getting syched up for the upcoming deployment. “Man this surround sound makes you feel like you are right there.” (you thought I was telling about a battle didn’t ya? Admit it. It is okay. LOL)

Going away ceremony. Demons going through the crowd whispering “He isn’t coming back.” “Your husband is gonna get a disfiguring wound.” Demons going through the soldiers in formation whispering, “You aren’t gonna make it” “You’re a coward and they know it.” Too soon the First Sergeant yelled, “Get on the buses.” Tears flowing we got our last hugs in. Most of the soldiers were waving goodbye from the buses. The commander’s wife yelled to me, “Take care of my husband Doc. Watch his back.”

To say it is hot over here is an understatement. It is oppressive. The heat weighs on you like an anchor. It saps all the strength from you. We stepped off the plane in Kuwait to a blast of hot wind. It was almost suffocating. There are few things in life worse than a C130 ride with combat gear on. It was hot and crowded. It will take some time to get used to the heat.

From this day forward I will no longer be a blind sheep unthinkingly following the will of others. I will think for myself. I will voice that opinion. My prayer is that my thoughts and statements don’t lead anyone astray. I regrettably must say that I am an elementary school level Christian. Where have the last 25 years gone? It is miraculous the Lord hasn’t struck me down for being mediocre. I know it says in the Bible be either hot or cold not lukewarm. My new motto will be:


Ahmed’s pulmonary embolism

The demon reaches into Ahmed’s chest. His sharp claw opening the aorta a fraction more. The demon whispers in his ear, “you are gonna die. These Americans don’t want to save you.” The demon moved over to Doc. “You killed him.” “You did the wrong thing.” “You didn’t do enough.” “Because of YOU this guy is dead.” “You are a worthless medic.”
The three medics frantically work on Ahmed. Ahmed seizes.

1 comment:

John Schroeder said...

Not bad Chuck!